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Where to buy Winstead Peanuts
Since 1992, this ongoing ministry is one for which the church is known far and wide. These delicious
peanuts are addictive! You can order peanuts to be shipped to you by calling the church at 252-237-3709. They are also available from the church and in stores in Wilson, Greenville, Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, and Wilmington (where to buy Winstead peanuts).
The proceeds from the peanuts are used in a variety of ways, from projects and ministries around the church that would otherwise be difficult to accomplish, to missions, to capital improvements.
For more information on how to become involved in this ministry, contact Harry Barker at 252-235-7900. To order peanuts, call the church office at 252-237-3709.
The Winstead Peanuts are possible because of people like you who volunteer to help with the many jobs associated with packaging about 300 cases of peanuts every month. Volunteers may be asked to:
- Go to Severn, NC to obtain bulk peanuts – approx. four hour drive round-trip
- Go to Mt. Olive to obtain jars and lids – approx. three hour drive round-trip
- Unload at the church after each trip – approx. 45 minutes for each depending on help
- Add labels to jars and lids – approx. three hours, depending on number helping
- Set up kitchen for cooking – light cookers, soak peanuts, place card board on floor—1 hour
- Cook peanuts and pack them in jars – three to four person crews, approximately three hours for each crew (usually three crews will cook—-morning, afternoon, and late afternoon)
- Clean up crew – approximately two hours with three helpers, usually in the evening
- Deliver peanuts to stores in Wilson, Greenville, Durham, and Raleigh (two helpers for Raleigh)—one day
- Financial – pay bills, bookkeeping, deposits, etc. Church Treasurer, peanut chair person (two people)
- Shipping – communicating with customers, packaging, labeling and shipping cases of peanuts to businesses and individuals all over the US
If you can help (even as a substitute) with this important ministry, contact Harry Barker at 252-235-7900.
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