The United Methodist Church has history of concern for social justice and being in service to those on the fringes of society. We believe we are called, both individually and collectively, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. One way we do this is by reaching out to comfort, nourish and empower marginalized people in disadvantaged circumstances in our community and in the world. Winstead offers many mission/outreach opportunities for its members.
In the Community
Seeds of Hope Wilson – Partner with Vick Elementary School to promote student achievement and wellbeing and have a positive impact on the surrounding Community. Programs include Hispanic Ministries, a community garden, and the Pirate Forest.
Hand in Hand Ministry – Winstead has partnered with Vick Elementary since 2001 prayer partners and a school partnership to some of the children most at risk in our community. Since 2020, we have provided an age appropriate book to every student before the winter break.
La Estrella Resplandeciente (The Shining Star) – La Estrella is a Hispanic ministry in the Stanhope area of Nash County on Highway 97. It is a joint ministry between the Capital and Heritage Districts of the United Methodist Church providing worship, classroom instruction, recreation, and food to Hispanic children in the area. It was begun about ten years ago through the energy of Lucho and Cattie Reinoso and Bill Simpson, who was the Rocky Mount District Superintendent at the time. Our church is one of several churches that provide services to this ministry through transportation, meals, instruction and always keeping them in our prayers.
In the Church
We can also be in mission within the church, lending our hands, feet and minds to making our church a worshipful place where people of all ages and talents can praise God. While the opportunities for service are almost endless, these are a few:
Sunday School Teachers – Discipleship and Christian formation are important elements of being a person of faith. Winstead has a dedicated group of teachers and is always looking for more who are willing to serve either as teachers or as teachers’ assistants. One of the church’s goals is to expand its religious education offerings.
Vacation Bible School – Do you remember how special VBS was to you when you were a child? Do you remember the special love you felt? Every summer, Winstead creates that same environment of Christian love for its children and those in the community. Many hands with different skills and interest are invited to participate.
The Bereavement Committee provides meals and flowers for members who have lost a loved one. Contact the office for more information.
Flowers for the Altar – You are invited to provide flowers for worship in memory or in honor of someone. Flowers may be taken home after the service or donated to those who are home bound. Sign up on the calendar in the hall outside the church office.
Lay Readers for Scripture – Readers are scheduled to read the Call to Worship, Opening Prayer and a scripture during weekly worship. For more information contact the church office.
Ushers for Worship – Under the coordination of Denny Rutter, ushers are scheduled on a rotating schedule to serve for one month at a time. For more information contact Denny.
Greeters for Worship – Under the coordination of Denny Rutter, greeters are scheduled to serve for one month at a time to greet all who come for the worship service. For more information contact Denny.
Acolytes for Worship – Under the coordination of Helen Kirby, acolytes are scheduled to serve each Sunday. Training is provided. Contact Helen for more information.
Sound, AV – Sound technicians and AV volunteers work each week to enhance the worship service and to stream the service live and record for distribution. For more information contact Sandy Pittman.
- To access the worship service online, follow Winstead on Facebook.
- If you can operate the computer on Sunday mornings to project information during worship, contact Peggie Shultz at
The Winstead Peanuts – Want a more hands on ministry, volunteer to help with our peanut ministry. Fun and delicious!
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