The Sunday School Program is for all ages and grades. Classes begin at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary. For more information about any of these programs, contact the church office at 252.237.3709.
All children and adults will meet in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am. After an opening assembly, age appropriate groups will break out for children and adults. Youth will have the option to either join an adult Sunday School class or help with children’s Sunday School.
Nursery: Infant – 2 years: (in the Education Hall) This class offers a safe and nurturing place where the little ones are showered with the love of Jesus! We try to incorporate the reason we come to church and Sunday School.
3 & 4 years old: (meets in the Education Hall) The lessons include different favorite children Bible stories, along with coloring pages and crafts pertaining to the lesson. We have fun learning about the Bible.
Kindergarten – 3rd grade: (meets in the Education Hall) Our lessons include an in-depth look at God’s creation. Stories from the Old and New Testaments tell of God’s love shown through the teachings of Jesus. These lessons are taught in a way that small children can understand.
Older Elementary 4th – 6th grades: (meets in the Education Hall) We use the Submerge literature and concentrate on general Bible stories, the teachings of Jesus and class discussions about how ideas from the Bible lessons affect students’ lives. The class includes Bible readings, instruction in locating books in the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed. We open with the Pledge to the Christian flag and the Bible.
Fretz Class – adults: (meets in the Education Hall) A class for adults, mostly older adults, using the International Bible Lessons Series. We rely on class discussion of the topics from the lessons. This class studies and discusses the books of the Bible.
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